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Animal research Facilities

Animal Research

The Seksyen Penyelidikan Haiwan (SPH) in AMDI are designed to provide good quality laboratory animals for research, actively involves in research involving laboratory animal with emphasis on research of medical and dentistry, and provide veterinary diagnostic and animal testing in various fields.



“ Leading to Advanced Animal Research for Sustainable Tomorrow”


Seksyen Penyelidikan Haiwan (SPH) of IPPT supports the Teaching, Research and Service activities under USM to realise the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing Healthy Laboratory Animals, Preclinical Contract Research and Veterinary Technical Services to the nation and the world.

Quality Policy

Seksyen Penyelidikan Haiwan is committed in animal research through production of good quality laboratory animal and outstanding research output.

We adhere with the USM Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (USM IACUC / JKPPH USM) to ensure that the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (which include testing and teaching) are humane, ethical, and in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act 2015 and its subsidiary regulations, Malaysian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (MYCODE).


• To provide good quality laboratory animals for research.

• To actively involves in research involving laboratory animal with emphasis on research of medical and dentistry.

• To function as national and regional reference center for animal care in research.

• To provide veterinary diagnostic and animal testing in various fields.

• To provide training in the field of good animal research.

Who We Work With